Need an editor? I can help!

“You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what’s burning inside you, and we edit to let the fire show through the smoke.”

Arthur Plotnik

Services Overview



The old standbys: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and quite a few extras, including checking for consistency and clarity of message.

Stylistic/line editing

As the name suggests, I get to the main roots of your project and go line by line to make sure your writing flows smoothly and fits your target audience.

Content writing

I come up with the right thing to say to fulfill your goals for your readers, whether it’s to tell a story or to hit home with a particular message.


Manuscript evaluation

Similar to a beta read, I’ll look at your manuscript for highlights, note possible areas for improvement, and offer insights on its marketability potential.

Authenticity reading

I can take a look at the portrayal of specific identities and experiences in your work and raise flags for potentially problematic representation.


Need something you can’t find?

Click the Contact button below and I’ll try to help you find it.

Let’s Talk!

 Get in touch to request a sample edit or book a discovery call.